Superior visual acuity.
Improved quality of vision in the near zone.
Improved aesthetics in many prescriptions.
Precise and comfortable focus for all working distances in any direction of gaze.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
Superior visual quality for viewing digital devices.
Higher image stability for reduced swim effect.
Camber Technology
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Steady Plus Methodology
Camber Steady Plus Progressive
| Near Vision
Ideal wearer:
Expert or novice progressive lens wearers who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable near area.
Camber Steady Plus Progressive
| Distance Vision
Ideal wearer:
Expert or novice progressive wearers who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable distance area.
Camber Steady Plus Progressive
| Intermediate Vision
Ideal wearer:
First-time wearers, wearers who have experienced non-adapts with other progressive lenses, and those who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable intermediate area.
Precise and comfortable focusing for all working distances in any direction of gaze.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
Superior visual quality when using digital devices.
Higher image stability for reduced swim effect.
Improvement of peripheral visual acuity in the distance zone.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Steady Methodology
Endless Steady Progressive
| Near Vision
Ideal wearer:
Expert or novice progressive lens wearers who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable near area.
Endless Steady Progressive
| Distance Vision
Ideal wearer:
Expert or novice progressive wearers who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable distance area.
Endless Steady Progressive
| Intermediate Vision
Ideal wearer:
First-time wearers, wearers who have experienced non-adapts with other progressive lenses, and those who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable intermediate area.
Higher image stability for reduced swim effect.
Improvement of peripheral visual acuity in the distance zone.
Steady Methodology
Essential Steady Progressive
| Near Vision
Ideal wearer:
Expert or novice progressive lens wearers who have a need for a high value lens and visual demands that call for a larger more usable near area.
Essential Steady Progressive
| Distance Vision
Ideal wearer:
Expert or novice progressive wearers who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable distance area.
Essential Steady Progressive
| Intermediate Vision
Ideal wearer:
First-time wearers, wearers who have experienced non-adapts with other progressive lenses, and those who have visual demands that call for a larger more usable intermediate area.
Maximum intermediate and near field of vision.
Improved postural ergonomics avoiding unnecessary head movements.
Comfortable and precise focusing, especially when using electronic devices.
Excellent dynamic vision, easy transition between near and intermediate visual fields.
Immediate adaptation.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
Superior visual quality when using digital devices.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Endless Office Occupational
1.3 m
Clear vision from 35 cm to 1.3 m / 14 in to 4.2 ft
Types of use:
When clear vision is required at desk level, prolonged use at very near distances.
Ideal wearer:
Presbyopes who work in a small space and spend a significant amount of time focusing on very near distances. For example, office workers who spend most of their time viewing monitors on a desk.
Endless Office Occupational
2 m
Clear vision from 35 cm to 2 m / 14 in to 6.5 ft
Types of use:
When clear vision is required at desk level, prolonged use at intermediate and near distances.
Ideal wearer:
Presbyopes who work in a room-sized space and spend a significant amount of time focusing at intermediate and near distances. For example, office workers who utilize monitors but have a need to view another person at a conversational distance.
Endless Office Occupational
4 m
Clear vision from 35 cm to 4 m / 14 in to 13.1 ft
Types of use:
When clear vision is required in a room-sized space and extra viewing is needed at intermediate and near distances.
Ideal wearer:
Presbyopes who work in a larger space and spend time focusing on intermediate and near distances. For example, people who utilize monitors and have a need to view another person at a conversational distance and move about their workspace.
Improves vision and comfort while driving in all light conditions.
Corrects the effects of night myopia.
Instant dashboard and road focusing.
Reduces visual fatigue while driving.
Precise and comfortable focusing for all working distances in any direction of gaze.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Maximum distance vision.
Unmatched dynamic vision with comfortable and precise focus at any distance.
Optimized fields of view, even with highly wrapped frames and higher prescriptions.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Precise and comfortable near vision through the upper and lower areas of the lens.
Improved ergonomics avoiding unnecessary head movements.
Excellent dynamic vision, easy transition between different viewing areas.
Comfortable and precise focus at all working distances.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Wide areas of view at near and distance, free of aberrations.
Better aesthetics, less visible segment line.
Countless options for materials and treatments.
High value solution.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Endless Bifocal
| Round
The diameter (32 mm) and position of the segment are very similar to a conventional bifocal with straight, curved, or round segments. This solution is perfect for those who already wear bifocal lenses and want easy adaptation to their new eyeglasses.
Endless Bifocal
| Wide
In this configuration, the segment is expanded up to 40 mm, offering a noticeably larger near viewing area while maintaining panoramic distance vision. This configuration is ideal for current wearers of wide segment conventional or executive bifocals. It is also optimal for vision therapy for children with accommodative difficulties.
Impeccable visual quality, especially for high prescriptions and wrapped frames.
Comfortable and accurate focusing at all distances.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
Superior visual quality for viewing digital devices.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
More relaxed vision with less accommodative effort.
Designed to significantly improve reading speed on digital devices.
Comfortable and precise focus at all distances.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
Superior visual quality for viewing digital devices.
Impeccable visual quality and precise focus.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Improves the visual experience of the wearer when driving in daytime and nighttime conditions.
Compensates for the effects of night myopia with a unique zone to provide better focus.
Optimized vision for a better view of the dashboard, internal, and external mirrors.
Reduces visual fatigue symptoms when driving at night.
Greater visual acuity for easy focus and more agile eye movement.
Near elimination of peripheral blur.
Clear vision from center to edge ensuring a comfortable lens with no limitations regardless of the prescription or frame selected.
IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology
Discover our product portfolio
Personalized free-form progressive lens. Designed with the most revolutionary IOT technologies and provides impeccable visual quality.
Personalized free-form single vision lens. Advanced design provides unparalleled visual quality.
As part of IOT’s commitment to innovation for high value-added products, we now offer Neochromes® light-activated lenses.