Our innovation methodology. A four-step process

Innovation is the energy that drives us. Only through it can we offer the highest quality lenses. More than 15 years of researching and developing digital ophthalmic lenses have taken us to the next level. We have in-depth knowledge of all aspects of lens design.

Our method: we are open-minded and we observe and listen.

We analyze every comment we receive from wearers and the various players in the industry. We combine them with our latest technical developments. And we add our knowledge and experience. That’s how we develop new products

and technologies.

Think-tanks. Our research centers are just that. We exchange information with other R&D labs and universities. We carefully analyze the market. All this helps us transform new ideas into cutting-edge products.

Your ideas are essential for us to innovate. Share them with us. The synergy created between us generates highly innovative products that benefit both you and us.

We are curious. We’re always looking for new solutions and added value in our products. We go beyond lens design. Our latest developments: photochromic lenses and treatments.

Innovation is not just a spark of ingenuity. It needs to be present throughout the whole creative process. That’s why we also help you audit the complex manufacturing process. We resolve any issues quickly and efficiently. And we help you implement a quality control system.

We have developed our own clinical trial methods. Once conducted, we analyze the results and generate new lens designs and calculation methods. We believe this is the only way to improve the wearer’s visual experience.

Innovating means being able to offer different solutions that respond to market demands. The key is to listen carefully to what wearers and industry professionals are saying. That’s why we conduct around 20 clinical trials annually at our headquarters, with some 600 participants. Their feedback is crucial. 

A four-step process

Our innovation process is a cycle that includes a constant feedback loop.


We detect the potential

The first thing we do is to detect a gap or a need in the market. Through our clinical trials, we find out the real visual needs of wearers. Our partners and other industry professionals also inform us about their needs. And we generate our own ideas.


We transform an opportunity into a product or a technology

With the information gathered, we formulate a hypothesis and develop new technologies and tools. With these, we create a prototype to help improve lens designs or create new products.


We prove that it works

We need to validate or reject the new product. We do that by conducting wearer trials. All our clinical studies follow strict protocols under highly controlled conditions. And they’re designed and executed by an experienced team of scientists, engineers, and technical specialists. Our results are extremely reliable. When the wearer tests have been successful, we validate the product. Only then are we ready to offer it to you.


We make our findings known

We believe that part of the process involves sharing the technical knowledge we have acquired with the scientific community. That’s why we present our findings in scientific publications and at international optical conventions.

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