无尽 双焦点


Endless Bifocal

Free-form round segment bifocal lens. Expands material and treatment options for wearers.

Endless Bifocal lenses are created with free-form technology on the back side of any semi-finished spherical lens blank. Digital processing ensures the segment line is virtually invisible for noticeably better aesthetics. Lens structure is very similar to conventional bifocals. Material availability is consistent with other digital free-form lenses. 

Endless Bifocal lenses are fully personalized using IOT Digital Ray-Path 2 Technology. Oblique aberrations are reduced allowing wearers to focus with precision.


Camber Steady Plus Progressive

用途: 一般
产品: 个性化 
使用频率: 常规


Camber Steady Plus Progressive







Camber Steady Plus Progressive

材料和毛胚供应商:  无尽双焦点镜片兼容任何毛坯提供商 和镜片折射率。  

镀膜: 无尽双焦点镜片兼容您在实验室使用的任何镀膜。

设备和 LMS: 无尽双焦点镜片兼容几乎任何设备供应商和 LMS。

Endless Bifocal Technologies

Segment adapted to the wearer’s preferences

The standard configurations of Endless Bifocal lenses were developed for the most common needs of bifocal wearers.


Endless Bifocal Benefits

  • Wide areas of view at near and distance, free of aberrations.
  • Better aesthetics, less visible segment line.
  • Easy transition between visual fields.
  • Comfortable and precise focusing, especially when using electronic devices.
  • Near elimination of peripheral blur.
  • Countless material and treatment options.
  • High value solution.

Endless Bifocal Options

Endless Bifocal
| Round

Endless Bifocal

Endless Bifocal
| Wide

Endless Bifocal


Endless Bifocal

Endless Bifocal Features

Infinite design configuration options

Create a unique product suited to your market needs.

Endless Bifocal lenses allow for countless configurations, providing the opportunity to differentiate for unique market needs. No other lens design portfolio is as modular, flexible, and versatile as IOT’s. 




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