Myopia Lenses: Transforming Childhood Myopia Management with MyoLess

A revolutionary lens to address the rise of myopia

Projections indicate that Myopia could affect half the global population within a few decades. MyoLess offers a proactive approach to address this challenge in children.

Long-term prevention with proven results

Leveraging sophisticated free-form design, we’ve engineered our bifocal lens design with virtually invisible segment lines, delivering essential functionality while enhancing aesthetic appeal. The innovation reduces image jump while maintaining a sleek, modern appearance. 

Using IOT advanced free-form technology, MyoLess lenses slow the progression of myopia through combatting ocular elongation. Clinical trials show an astonishing 39% lower increase in axial length growth in children after 12 months compared to single-vision lens wearers.

Read more about the trial results.

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Industry-leading myopia lens design: MyoLess

A lens design that ensures children with refractive errors have clear central vision while managing peripheral defocus 

Clearer vision for children over 6 years old

Children who experience extensive indoor and screen time, frequent close-up tasks, and genetic susceptibility are more at risk for Myopia. Practitioners recommend myopia management glasses for children 6+ years old with a refractive error of -0.50D to -1.00D.  

Advanced technology for precise peripheral focus and clearer vision

Myo free-form technology in IOT’s myopic lenses ensures that all peripheral light focuses in front of the retina, unlike standard negative lenses which cause light to focus behind the peripheral retinal plane.

Incorporating progressive asymmetric peripheral defocus on the lens back surface results in a seamless power transition. This technology decelerates axial growth and myopia progression while providing sharp central vision surrounded by progressive power distribution. 

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Redefining the benefits of myopia management lenses

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Myopia management lenses are specifically
designed to slow the progression of myopia
in children, addressing a growing global concern.
Our MyoLess lens design offers numerous benefits
across our range of products for labs, eye care
professionals, and wearers.

Benefits for labs & ECPs

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1. Proven efficacy in clinical trials makes prescribing one pair of glasses for every child easy.
2. Flexibility in manufacturing reduces laboratory costs and simplifies inventory management.
3. Increased patient satisfaction leads to increased loyalty and professional reputation.

A versatile myopia solution allows labs broader portfolio offerings to accommodate a wide range of patient needs.


Benefits for wearers

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1. Design technology slows myopia progression by reducing the rate of eye elongation.
2. Perfect vision in the central zone with minimal peripheral distortion.
3. A smooth surface and thinner lenses promise a natural appearance and enjoyable wear, combining comfort and aesthetics.

Custom myopia lens solutions for every child

MyoLess lenses are available in a wide range of materials and coatings, ensuring they meet each child's specific needs.
Our IOT Lens Design Software is compatible with almost any LMS, providing endless lens configuration options.


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