Digital Ray-Path 2 White Paper

Digital Ray-Path 2 White Paper

Learn in-depth how DRP2 works.

Explore the next generation of lens design technology with Digital Ray-Path® 2, a breakthrough in achieving sharper, clearer vision. This white paper offers optical labs and eye care professionals (ECPs) detailed insights into how this advanced technology optimizes lenses by taking into account the eye’s dynamic behavior during wear.

What you'll learn in this white paper:

  • How Digital Ray-Path® 2 enhances lens personalization by incorporating position-of-wear parameters.
  • The science behind the technology’s ability to calculate lenses that adapt to natural eye movement and gaze.
  • Clinical insights into the superior clarity and comfort Digital Ray-Path® 2 lenses provide to wearers.
  • Practical steps for integrating this cutting-edge technology into your lab or practice.

Download the Digital Ray-Path® 2 White Paper today to learn how this innovative solution can revolutionize your approach to lens design and wearer satisfaction.

Fill out this form below to download the DRP2 white paper.

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