IOT Ethics and Transparency

Everyone’s right to be heard
IOT Ethics Policy

At IOT, we promote an open and honest work culture, fostering an ethical, accountable, and transparent environment where individuals can freely express themselves.

To ensure this, we've established an anonymous whistleblower channel. This channel is accessible to anyone associated with IOT that -if they wish to do so- report breaches of our General Code of Conduct and local law and regulations.

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What is the IOT Whistleblowing Channel?

The IOT Whistleblower Channel is hosted on an external platform that can be accessed via web. It offers various languages and operates 24 hours a day, every day of the week. An external company receives the communications to ensure your confidentiality and anonymity.

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What can be reported to the IOT Whistleblowing Channel? Act now

Any action and/or omission that may constitute breaches of EU Directive 2019/1937.

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Got something to report?

IOT Whistleblowing Channel

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Whistleblowing investigation process

  • From the moment we receive the report, we have 7 days to reply to the whistleblower and confirm the reception of this report.
  • Within 3 months after receiving the report, we have to give feedback to the whistleblower about what is happening.

Both of these timelines are requirements that are regulated under the EU whistleblowing directive.


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